Sunday, September 1, 2013

What a Year!

They say as we get older, we get wiser!  Well, my 37th year of life taught me a lot, showed me a lot and cost me a lot!

This past year cost me Three amazing people in my life.  A year ago at this exact time I lost a dear friend and colleague who probably taught me more about production than I even taught him.  Rest in Peace Matt Romano!  Next, about 8 months ago I lost an old friend from growing up.  I know we hadn’t been as close over these recent years, but shared so many memories.  I wish I could have been there more for him.  Rest In Peace Jereme Hartwig!  And finally, in March I had to say good bye to the most important women in my life, my mother.  It’s impossible to say good bye to one of your best friends, especially when she was the reason I am here in the first place.  She helped me grow into the man I am today and I hope I will continue to make her proud.  Rest In Peace Kathleen Ann Fries-Cabral, MOM!

This past year has shown me a lot!  I’ve had the great privilege of working on some great projects with some amazing people.  I’m about the start the 7th feature film project I’ve been able to work on since August 2012.  I’ve also worked on a few reality shows, commercials, and short films.  I’ve been fortunate enough to see production from just about every position, behind AND in front of the camera.  This year I even helped produced a feature film.  It had its problems, but I’m excited to see the outcome once post-production is finished.  On the other hand, a short film I helped produce last year, Solitaire, was selected to play at the Cannes Shorts Corner.   

Finally, life helped me realize my true potential.  Now I have some amazing, and mean AMAZING friends who regularly remind me of how much I am capable of achieving.  But two milestones stood out and shocked me.  Like a wakeup call that I am ready to climb to the next level.  First, just before my 37th birthday I was offered representation for my adventures in front of the camera and behind a microphone.  Of course, I accepted, and I am proudly represented by Mandi Morris and the Azalea Agency in St. Louis.   The second is probably one of the proudest moments of my life.  It culminated in January when, while my 14th year working for the Sundance Film Festival was getting under way, I was blessed to hear the words “Welcome to the Directors Guild of America”.  Yes, I am a qualified First Assistant Director in the DGA!  

Now, as I look forward, striving to improve myself is my primary goal.  These improvements include getting in shape, cleaning my house, revamping my website, looking for bigger films to work on, and even crossing that line and finally directing the short films I have been talking about for so long.  I will succeed and I look forward to sharing this success with all of you.  Thanks to each and every one of you has believed in me and helped me see my true potential. 

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