Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Motivation and Procrastination

Yeah… I know I’m fighting a battle to find work and get the work I have on my table finished. I am just really struggling to find motivation and fight off my damn procrastination. I wish that motivation was bottled up like Vitamin-water and I could just chug it down. Sadly, it isn’t. I just need to stay focused and off the damn couch so that I can get things accomplished. Prior to getting sick at the beginning of the month, I was REALLY motivated. I was cranking along. Learning the Adobe software I have on my computer thanks to Lynda.com and beginning to see the results in the projects I have at hand. However, somewhere throughout July I went *BLAH* again. It sucks. I need to get back on track and get the few projects I have on the table finished so that I can move on to new and bigger projects. Do me a favor and feed me all the motivation you all can so that I can stay on track. Thanks to all of you who already do, and an early thanks to those who will take the time to write me a comment or message and help kick me in the ass and stay on track. I got to run. Talk to you soon.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Oh, where has the year gone? And, PLEASE HELP!

Wow… It’s late in July and 2008 just seems to be FLYING by. I can’t be too upset; I have worked on a quite a few projects throughout the year so far. My problem is that I need to make more money. I should be working on a low budget feature right now, but I was released from working the day before we were supposed to start shooting, at 10 PM. I’m not sure they could have waited any longer. Now, I know the project was VARY low budget, but I was really counting on that money to help me get through another month.

I’m trying to keep my head up and look for more work. I’m even considering returning to the nightclub industry for a while, just to help get me out of the red financially. So I ask all of you, my friends, if you know of any projects or jobs, PLEASE pass the info along to me. I REALLY need to make some money to keep my house and get my bills paid. And the sad fact is that I don’t need that much and I’m not trying to be greedy, I just want enough to get my bills paid.

I had even conceded to taking a regular 9 to 5 job to get the bills paid by doing Inbound Sales for Charter Cable. Two things stopped me: First, I was told by Charter Reps, I have to apply online, but the job I was wanting was not listed. The other was an acquaintance I use to have from Buca, who worked at Charter. He is the person who gave me the info about the job. The Problem is I cannot find his contact information ANYWHERE. I think I had it in my old phone, but of the few numbers left in it that didn’t get transferred, his is missing. So, I’m back to Square ZERO. Even when I’m willing to give in and work my way out of a situation, I get kicked back down and out. It sucks.

Enough Crying…. I am revamping my resumes and going to get them out to as many sources as I can for freelance work over this and next week. Any ideas of where I should submit my resume will also be greatly appreciated. If it works, the upside will be work, the downside is that payment for that work usually takes about 30 days to receive. Also, I will continue to step back towards working the door of a nightclub around St. Louis. If I do, I will be sure to let you all know where I go. I have a couple of options. I also have a few projects I am working on, some tiny, some big, but all of which you will learn about over the next few months. The main problem with my own projects is that I have to delay a lot of work happening because I don’t have the money to put behind it.

I would also like to ask ALL OF YOU, MY FRIENDS, to please keep me in mind as you hear of any jobs, film related or not. I’ll sort through the Good, the Bad and the Ugly as they come to me. I just really need to make some cash and fast. So I’m going to be considering all options presented to me. Thank you in advance for all your suggestions and offers, as I know I can count on my friends to help me.

I really need to run. Lots to get down today and it’s almost Noon. Please drop me a line, let me know how you’re doing and if you have any suggestions for me. I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you.